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My Grad story: Mollie Lynch

Mollie Lynch, is a Supply Chain Operations Manager. She joined Musgrave after completing a Bachelor degree in Business Studies at DCU.

My Grad story: Mollie Lynch

In this blog, Mollie explains why she chose the supply chain graduate programme and what she enjoys about her role.

When I finished college, I was researching companies and Musgrave stood out to me, particularly because of the values that they stand for, including long term stable relationships, not being greedy and working hard. To be able to work for an organisation that deals with everyday brands such as SuperValu and Centra and new and exciting brands is great.

As a Supply Chain Graduate, my programme is split into three rotations – warehouse, reorder/buying and transport. I have recently completed my warehouse rotation, where I have been working as a line manager in one of our Cork depots.

Supply chain is a sector that’s always growing, and it will always grow with our economy. Your day to-day work changes. It’s constantly moving and fast-paced – I can work in a warehouse one week and then I may be in an office the next; that’s something that attracted me to this sector in particular.

My current role is very target driven, I need to constantly be thinking forward and my decision-making skills are constantly tested day-to-day. The thing that I love the best about my job and the Programme is the people that I get to work with every day.

I can already see that my interpersonal skills are developing with every task that I’m given. I’m supported by the Graduate Programme management within Musgrave and as a line manager in the warehouse, I’m able to watch people on my team grow, develop and reach their targets.